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Or?dzie Prymasa S.Wyszy?skiego |
English version soon available
e-mail: savefawley@hotmail.com
Dziennik Polski, dnia 23.05.1969 roku.

Last Sunday, in glorious weather, over one thousand five hundred people came to Mass at Fawley Court.
The one thousand and five hundred fellow compatriots came for the Whitsun Mass, despite the Marian Fathers advertisement published in our newspaper asking people not to come…
The people were responding to an appeal by the “Committee for the Defence of Polish Heritage - Fawley Court”.
The Polish community showed support for the Committee in their dispute of the decision taken by the Marian Fathers to sell Fawley Court to an unknown buyer.
During the day over 700 people signed a petition to save Fawley Court.
It is understood that there are plans to exhume both Father Jarzebowski and Prince Radzwill who are buried there, and send their remains to Poland, despite the fact that their last wishes were to be buried here.
It is understood that the church of St Anne, a shrine to the Divine Mercy - which is built on soil blessed by Karol Cardinal Wojty?a - is to be de-consecrated.
There are nearly 30 plaques in the church given in thanksgiving to the Divine Mercy for graces received and prayers answered.
I am grateful to His Eminence Cardinal Karol Wojty?a, Metropolitan of Kraków, that he agreed, in my name, to bless the land under the church-shrine of St Anne and Our Lady of Jasnogóra, Queen of Poland, [so that in Fawley Court], like a new Cz?stochowa , she will be a Mother and Comforter to you, because she has been ordained by God Himself to protect the Polish Nation. I generously bless our beloved Founder and all those who will in any way work towards the building of this shrine. I heartily bless all the priests, teachers, youth and those present and place you in the Care of the Mother of God and the Church and Queen of Poland.
+ Stefan Cardinal Wyszy?ski, Primate of Poland
To be read out at Fawley Court on Whit Sunday, 1969
The rest of the article is a précis of the following:
“Shortly after the start of the Second World War, Polish priest Father Józef Jarzebowski was sent to Droj, but stopped at Wilno on the way. There, providentially, he met Father Michal Sopocko, Saint Faustina’s Confessor. Father Sopocko had worked on, and written the treatise “Misericordiæ Dei” about the Divine Mercy which he passed on to Father Jozef Jarzebowski.
Father Józef Jarzebowski managed to smuggle out the treatise via Vladivostok, and Japan, finally arriving in the United States. Whilst in the US, he stooped at Orchard Lake and had the Novena and prayers to the Divine Mercy printed there and propogated.
Due to Father Jarzebowski’s efforts in promoting the devotion of Divine Mercy, the Marian Fathers intitated a special apostolate in Stockbridge, MA.
In 1943 he went to Mexico spending seven years in Santa Rosa where he was Director of a Secondary School looking after orphans which had been saved from Russia.
Whilst in Mexico, Father Jarzebowski became seriously ill and in danger of death. One healthy young boy Witold Orlowski prayed very hard to God that if someone must die, then please take his own life and spare Father Jarzebowski’s.
Two weeks later, the boy died. Father Jarzebowski recovered.
In 1950, Father Jarzebowski was invited to come to England to Hereford to found a school.
Witold’s mother also came, bringing her son’s remains with her. He is buried under the Grotto outside the Marian Church in Hereford.
By 1953, Father Jarzebowski had to move to Fawley Court in Henley on Thames, where he founded the Divine Mercy College in 1954. Very quickly this became a major centre for the Polish community throughout England & Wales.
Father Jarz?bowski wholly trusted in the Divine Mercy, as can be seen from an article written by the eminent polish newspaper editor Zdzislaw Walaszewski in which he was asked, “How do you have the money to buy this great estate – Father Jarzebowski replied “Just fifty pounds, and the Divine Mercy”
Father Jarzebowski loved the Polish youth. He was a great patriot and a man who wholly trusted God. He believed that the most important aspect of the life of a nation is the education of its young, in a Christian and Polish atmosphere.
He founded the Divine Mercy College so that the sons of Polish soldiers who had shed their blood for Poland, would not forget their Polish roots. At the same time the children were brought up in the religion of their fathers, the Roman Catholic religion.
He loved the school which he founded, and through his work propagating the Divine Mercy he wanted to be buried in the grounds of Fawley Court, choosing the exact spot himself.
It would seen unusual for a priest to be buried in the grounds of a country mansion. But ten years later, a church was build alongside, paid for by Prince Radziwill who is entombed in the crypt.
How did the priest know that the spot he chose would later be in Church grounds?”
Copyright Józef ?opuszy?ski |
Komitet Obrony Dziedzictwa Narodowego Fawley Court, , e-mail: savefawley@hotmail.com |