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PROTEST against Exumation and |
Save the Chrurch of St. Anne s and the grave of Father Józef Jarz?bowski.
It is not too late!!!
The decision to transfer the grave of Father Jarzebowski is not yet made. If we unite ourselves in the fight for the preservation of the Church and the grave of Father Jarzebowski we can still save them, despite Marian Fathers announced that everything has been already sold and closed. What is closed can be opened. It was supposed to be sold a year ago. This is not the truth. The money has not yet been paid and if Marian Fathers would want to, can withdrow from the sale. Everything can still change. Lets defend the grave of Father Jarzebowski and pray for the salvation of Fawley Court through his intercession.
We are appealing to everyone who wants to preserve Fawley Court for the Polish and English Catholic Community, as father Jarzebowski wished, once again to write letters of protest the against the exhumation of his body to the Ministry of Justice - Mr Paul Ansell.
The Marian Fathers after our recent letters of protest have changed the place of transfer of the remains of Father Jarzebowski from Lichen to the cemetery in Henley. However they have applied for the permission to cremate the remains. This is outrageous. They want the ceremony of exhumation to be quiet and treated a in internal matter of the Marian Fathers. Nearly 1000 people attended the funeral of Father Jarz?bowski including - numerous priests, representatives of all the emigree organizations, generals, emigree dignitaries. All were united to give honour to this charismatic priest and great Pole. Now the Marian Fathers behave, as they are ashamed of him, saying nothing to the Polish Community wanting to quietly exhume and cremate his remains for profit.
On the web page of the Marian Fathers Fr. Jarz?bowski is listed among the greatest Marians. They even ask people to report incidents of receiving graces through the intercession of Father Jarz?bowski. What about the relics if the remains are cremated?
The change of the place of burial is treated as a new application we therefore ask you once again to present your protest both electronically and in hard copy to the following address:
e-mail: Paul.Ansell@justice.gsi.gov.uk
Mr Paul Ansell
0203 334 63 88
Coroners & Burials Division
Ministry of Justice
102 Petty France, London SW1H 9AJ
We ask you to forward copies of your protest letters to us, so we will be able to intervene later on your behalf. This is our address:
Komitetu Obrony Dziedzictwa Narodowego Fawley Court:
c/o Polska Macierz Szkolna w WB
240 King Street
London W6 0RF
Below there is an example of the letter, it may be of use when you come to write yours. You should reiterate the arguments you used before but it is very important to highlight the mercenary aspect of the Marian Fathers activity - they could preserve the church and the grave of Father Jarzebowski, so we could continue to visit this places. It has to be said clearly and plainly: unlimited greed has driven them to wish to exhume and cremate the remains.
Coroners & Burials Division,
Ministry of Justice,
102 Petty France,
London SW1H 9AJ
Attention : Mr. Paul Ansell
Dear Mr Ansell
Re: Application to exhume the remains of Fr. Józef Jarz?bowski,
I would like to voice my opposition to the exhumation and cremation
regardless whether it is proposed to be in Poland or in Henley.
Fr. J.Jarz?bowski wished to be buried in Fawley Court and to fulfil His wish an exemption was made by the Marian Fathers. To cremate the remains of anyone who might one day become a saint is totally unacceptable for Catholics.
This proves that the Marian Fathers’ behaviour is totally disrespectful and dictated by purely mercenary motives. They are in no way interested in honouring the memory of a very distinguished and saintly Polish priest, rather they wish to profit from the sale of the land on which the grave stands. The Polish Community and Polish Catholic Mission in England and Wales would be more than happy to take care of the grave and the Church of St. Ann which could easily be excluded from the planned sale of Fawley Court.
Please consider these arguments and reject the application.
Please inform me of your decision.
Yours sincerely,
………………………… |
Komitet Obrony Dziedzictwa Narodowego Fawley Court, , e-mail: savefawley@hotmail.com |