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Divine Mercy College |
e-mail: savefawley@hotmail.com

We would like to ask anybody ,who might have some pictures from Divine Mercy College or verious celebrations and events which took place at Fawley Court to contact: The Safe Fawley Court Heritage Committee, Macierz Szkolna w WB, 240 King Street,
London W6 ORF, e-mail savefawley@fawleycourt.net
Jak powsta?o Kolegium Mi?osierdzia Bo?ego ?
The Chaplaincy Priest, Father Stanis?aw Be?ch, was the chaplain of Polish Army in France and England and founder of the “Veritas” Publishing House. He also initiated the founding of the girls’ school in Pitsford and the boys’ school in Hereford. The former under the auspices of the Sisters of Nazareth and the latter under the Marian Fathers.

In 1948 Father Stanis?aw Be?ch, who at that time was residing in the United States, met Father Provincial of the Congregation of Marian Fathers. In his memoirs, written three months before his death, stated inter alia: ”…In 1948 I was staying in the USA. Having analysed various options I chose the Marian Fathers. ( Father Be?ch expected the Marian Fathers to open boys’ school in England- annotation). Their Provincial came to me to New York. He stayed at my house. We spend a lot of time talking. Eventually, at about three o’clock in the morning he said: “ You convinced me Father, but who will take care of it?” I put forward Father Jarz?bowski, residing in Mexico then. He called him a soulful idealist. I retorted that his former students from Warsaw praised him as a teacher. He answered that I managed to convince him, but told me to convince Father General of the Marian Congregation in Rome as well. I wrote to him. He agreed. I had the following plan of realisation: One Prelate (I cannot recall his name) who lived in the same house as me, was authorised by Father Provincial to go to England to buy a property suitable for a school. I gave him instructions what to do. Together with a Vicar from ?l?sk they bought a house in Hereford”… "... See J. Be?ch, Ks.Stanis?aw Franciszek Be?ch,"Premislia Cristiana 1990/91,p.380., After Ks. Adam Romejko, Duszpasterstwo polonijne w Wielkiej Brytanii, Tuchów,2001, p.214 przp.927
In February 1950 a Marian Father Tomasz Reginek and the Diocesan Father Jan Brandys bought a Convent in Lower Bullingham, Hereford from the Sisters of Mercy. In July 1950 Father Józef Jarz?bowski and Father Pawe? Jasi?ski came to Hereford. The construction works were supervised by Father Brandys. In September 1951 educational institution for boys was opened. Bishop Gawlina donated £409 pounds. In 1953 there were 80 boys in this school. The Hereford place gradually became to crowded to accommodate all the applicants. Father Jarz?bowski started looking for a new place for the school.

1. 7 pa?dziernika 1953r. Ks.Józef Jarz?bowski kupuje Fawley Court.
2. 15 stycznia 1954r. Otwiera z 15 uczniami Kolegium Bo?ego Mi?osierdzia-Divine Mercy College

3. 19 marca 1954 zawi?zuje si? Towarzystwo Przyjació? Gimnazjum
2 kwietnia 1954r. Apel Towarzystwa Przyjació? Gimnazjum do Spo?ecze?stwa emigracyjnego.

3. Cotygodniowy apel ukazuj?cy si? w Gazecie Niedzielnej w 1954r.
4. Artyku? w Sodalis Marianis wyszczególnia istytucje,które przyczyni?y si? do nabycia Fawley Court.
6. 5 Kresowa Dywizja Piechoty obchodzi?a uroczy?cie 10-? rocznic? ?mierci Genera?a Boles?awa Sulika w Fawley Court i przekaza?a z tej okazji Ks.Jarz?bowskiemu czek na £800 na cele Kolegium.

1961 rok

1971 rok

1986 rok |
Komitet Obrony Dziedzictwa Narodowego Fawley Court, , e-mail: savefawley@hotmail.com |