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Nowy Czas 16.2.11 |
2011.02.16 / Krzysztof Jastrzembski, Mirek Malevski
Fawley Court
This is the title published by The Sunday Mercury 13 Feb. 11 (Midlands). Further to Nowy Czas’s and FCOB’s articles published last year and this, the Witus Orlowski affair (exhumation without a licence) is now in court. The Rev Wojciech Jasinski was arrested by Hereford Police in December last year, charged with illegally exhuming Witus’ remains, and has appeared before Hereford Magistrates Court on 10 January 2011. The case was committed to Worcester Crown Court where he will appear on May 3.
An excellent article, however it should be added and clarified that Witus prayed not just for the local priest but for Father Jarzembowski, our Founder, whose exhumation was stopped by a High Court injunction, and that Witus and his mother escaped from the Soviet Gulag in Siberia, where his father and sister died. His body was found in a wooden box in his mother grave. In the box there was a faded Transit Label from New York Funeral Authorities in a glass jar (his mother broguht the box to England from Mexico via US). He was eventually re-buried at Fairmile Cemetery, not Fawley Court.
The Henley Standard published a story on 4 February 11 “Garden Centre moves after 60 years” about Toad Hall. It states that the move has been engineered by Aida Hersham.
“Dismissal Threat for the Quango Queen” was published by the Daily Telegraph on 31 Jan 11, accusing the Charity Commission’s Dame Suzi Leather of a “politically motivated” agenda. The article mentions that the new Attorney General has referred the Commission to a tribunal following concerns about the fairness of its decisions.
We ask our supporters to keep up the pressure by contacting their MP about the scandal of Fawley Court in order to elicit questions in the House of Commons. The website www.writetothem.com is easy to use and saves time.
If you wish to receive our newsletters please contact fawleyoldboys@gmail.com />
We also ask you to support an independent, international Smolensk Inquiry following the revelations from the London Meeting. Contact www.pwwb.co.uk and www.barkadia.net for information.
fawleyoldboys@gmail.com />
The FCOB campaigns to restore Fawley Court to the Polish Community in the UK. All material, including individual letters, newsletters, press releases and articles is protected by author’s copyright via the publishers, Nowy Czas, and the contents belongs collectively to the FCOB. Please note our new email address fawleyoldboys@gmail.com. A website is in preparation.
Krzysztof Jastrzembski
Secretary FCOB
Fawley Court appears yet again to have re-acquired a ‘new’ owner. Meanwhile, the Marian Trust, and its trustee-priests, unable or unwilling for over a year to answer a list of reasonable and legitimate questions from FCOB, are now crawling out of their shell(s), and beginning to respond.
Apart from responding inter alia to some serious queries about the Fawley Court Father Jozef Jarzembowski Museum, the Marians are also ‘helpfully’ shedding light on Fawley Court’s never-built St Faustina Kowalska Apostolate Centre, and the allegedly misappropriated (£350,000) appeal funds, together with other issues.
Encouraging new evidence is also beginning to emerge about the true forty year old rights of worship at, and the legal ownership/custodianship of St Anne’s Church itself at Fawley Court. Legal claims are also being prepared in respect of all the miracle plaques, holy objects, and similar artefacts of reverence, illicitly and secretly removed from St Anne’s to an unknown place.
The Marians now confirm that; having followed… the advice of their accountants’ on the treatment in the charity’s accounts, of the items comprising the museum collection, which included items brought together by Father Jarzebowski, the Museum does hold a register of its assets.
Further, it should be noted, the Marian trustee-priests have; again, followed the accountants’ advice in relation to treatment of funds in response to any appeals... We do have an internal record of donors and sums donated in response to the (Saint Faustina Kowalska) Apostolate building project.
The actual ownership of Fawley Court today however, is a little less clear-cut. It all resembles an Alice in Wonderland musical chairs; no one can ever be sure if there is seat for them, and where, or what surprise will unravel at any given time, and when.
Fawley Court’s ownership is cloaked in anonymity and controversy, counting an ever-growing cast. At the head of this dramatis personae is Persian heiress and philanthropist Mrs Aida Hersham.
In the Henley Standard (4 June 2010), Mrs Hersham is described as; “The new owner… Aida Hersham ‘secured’ the purchase of the historic building in April – two (?) years after viewing it… In a ‘rare interview’ she told The Standard she would eventually ‘move’ into Fawley Court.
She goes on that she first saw the property on a; muddy, cold and murky day in 2008, (?), but knew then she had to own it. According to the same Henley Standard she reasonably admits; however to having made a mistake by not realising the significance of the property at first. She says; I didn’t know the attitude some people would have towards OUR POSSESSION (sic) of Fawley Court.
In the same piece she adds; The protestors’ issues were with the Marian Fathers and should NOT involve her… I understand their disappointment at leaving such a beautiful property. I would be equally disappointed if we had to leave.
Indeed, Mrs Hersham is clearly both a sensitive and compassionate being. In a chance one-hour meeting on Fawley Court’s grounds with one of our “protestors” Hanna McCluskey on 10 June 2010, whom she invited for coffee, Mrs Hersham confided to her that;her own Mother is a Catholic, and that future access to St Anne’ Church, and Father Jozef Jarzembowski’s grave would not be a problem.
Mrs Hersham has also gone on record saying how she would generously create an; art gallery/centre at Fawley Court, and, We feel a great responsibility towards the house. We will not shy away from restoring it to be part of the country’s national heritage.
On 2 July 2010, again the Henley Standard, this time reporting on Mrs Hersham’s legal High Court spat with Mr Richard Butler-Creagh over an alleged £5m breach, describes her as; The woman who has taken over Fawley Court.”
Peter Mckay in the Daily Mail of 5 July 2010, is more circumspect, saying; Not even a story-teller of Kenneth Grahame’s calibre could have – invented the pantomime being played out over the purchase of historic Fawley Court, the 17th-century mansion set in 27 acres beside the Thames in Oxfordshire, and the – inspiration for Toad Hall in his masterpiece ”The Wind in The Willows.” The same piece makes the comment; She (presumably Mrs Aida Hersham), eventually paid £13million.
Much later, on 13 September 2010, much to the dismay of FCOB, solicitors for Mrs Hersham, messrs David Cooper & Co., wrote saying they had; …read (FCOB’s) letter of 9th July to the Chief Executive (Andrew Hind), of The Charity Commission… Let me/us make it quite clear that Aida Hersham is NOT the beneficial owner, either by contract or otherwise, of Fawley Court. The letter continues; The title was bought by Cherrilow Limited who I do not act for. Aida Hersham has no interest, beneficial or otherwise, in Cherrilow Limited.
(In conversation with FCOB Sarah Nicholson, planning officer at Wycombe District Council, has more than once said that Aida Hersham is the face of Cherry Law).
On receipt of messrs Cooper’s letter, we were well gobsmacked. How her solicitors’ contents’ square with what is in the public domain, and announced by Aida Hersham herself on the issue of her ‘ownership’ of Fawley Court is indeed mystifying. Who does really own Fawley Court?
Cherrilow Limited are indeed the registered owner(s), of Divine Mercy College, Fawley Court, but of course their identity is cloaked in secrecy being incorporated privately as a company in Jersey, and therefore out of reach of the long arm of publicity, scrutiny, or the authorities’.
Interestingly, Credit Suisse, the respectable worldwide Swiss Banking Corporation, are the proprietors (co-owners), and there is also a Vendors Lien (a seller’s holding interest on Fawley Court), controlled by– would you guess – none other than the Marian Fathers Charitable Trustees Incorporated, in their capacity – and this gets even better – as a BENEFICIARY!
Things get even more tricky to understand regarding the current ownership of Fawley Court in light of two recent press articles. The first, in the Henley Standard, 1 February this year, reports on the cash plus land deal whereby Toad Hall (Henley’s beloved garden centre, for over sixty years, once part of the Fawley Court estate) is to move to Reading Road, Shiplake, and cites Aida Hersham as the new owner of Fawley Court, having; …paid £13million for the historic mansion.
There appears to be some reluctance, indeed opposition to the proposed; move… engineered by Aida Hersham. Mrs Hersham has responded emphatically but reasonably to these mounting woes by allegedly saying that a deadline of July 1st has been set to complete the deal or back out. You can’t get fairer than that.
Birmingham’s The Sunday Mercury – wholly unrelated to Aida Hersham – reporting in this Sunday’s edition (13th February) on the arrest, and summons to court of Father Wojciech Jasinski for the alleged removal of human remains (Witus), from Bullingam to Henley, simply says;
It (Fawley Court) has since been sold and is now the home
of glamorous philanthropist Aida Hersham.
Confused? We are. In their letter of 13 September 2010,
D Cooper Solicitors advised FCOB to take their complaints to both the Marian Fathers or the Charity Commission. This advice has been studiously followed for six months, but Mrs Hersham’s name just keeps popping up as the owner of Fawley Court. Given that FCOB’s remit is public spirited, and in the public interest both as a matter of public policy and natural justice, it (FCOB) cannot be criticized for wanting simply to get at the truth?
Suffice to say at this stage, the said letter to FCOB from
D Cooper Solicitors on behalf of Aida Hersham is in breach of Relations with Third Parties on many counts. We are advised to act. FCOB is considering its position, and contemplates making a complaint in due course to the Law Society, but more pertinently to the Office for the Supervision of Solicitors.
Mirek Malevski
Chairman FCOB
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Komitet Obrony Dziedzictwa Narodowego Fawley Court, , e-mail: savefawley@hotmail.com |